New Year! New You!
It’s the beginning of the year and we have made our new year’s resolutions. We are excited and motivated to make positive changes in our lives. It might be hard to believe now, but in a few weeks, you might not be feeling so excited about your resolution goals. Our initial enthusiasm starts to disappear and it is difficult to stay motivated. What was new and exciting is now a boring grind and a hassle. How can we keep that enthusiasm and motivation for weeks, months, and even years? By using mindfulness techniques to harness the power of our minds to reach our resolution goals. You might be wondering what mindfulness is and what it has to do with resolutions. Our minds are very powerful. Everything that exists and has been accomplished was once an idea that came from someone’s mind. We can use this power to help us reach our resolution goals and maintain them over time.
Harness the power of your mind by using mindfulness practices.
Mindfulness is calming the mind by focusing on the present moment. During mindfulness practice, you are using the power of your mind to set your resolution goals into motion and make them a reality. Successful athletes, performers, and business people, such as Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, and Olympian Kerri Walsh Jennings all attribute mindfulness techniques to their success. If it worked for them, it will certainly work for you! Some mindfulness techniques, listed below with brief explanations, include:
- Visualization-The process of imagining yourself reaching your desired goal.
- Meditation-Involves being in stillness and silence, without distraction. While meditating, some people focus on a question they would like answered. Others focus on a sound, an image, or repeat a mantra or affirmation. Still others might use focused attention to still the mind. For example, a person might use their five senses to notice all the details of an apple, such as how the apple looks, feels, smells, sounds, and tastes while eating it.
- Journaling-Writing down affirmations and statements of gratitude. With mindful journaling, you are write down positive affirmations related to your goals, and give thanks for what you already have and your accomplishments.
- Guided Imagery-Focuses the mind and imagination on a desired goal, feeling, or state of mind.
- Hypnotherapy-Uses relaxation techniques to access the subconscious mind to focus on specific thoughts and tasks. It can be described as using your subconscious mind to reach conscious goals.
Use mindfulness techniques to train your mind to focus on opportunities for success in reaching your resolution goal.
Here are a few tips on how to use these mindfulness techniques in your daily life:
- Practice mindfulness every day. There is a myth that it takes a lot of time to be mindful. If you have the time, great. If you don’t, don’t scrap mindfulness practices altogether. Quickly imagine yourself reaching your goal. See yourself fitting into a new outfit. Imagine how good you will feel achieving your goal and/or once your goal has been achieved. It only takes a minute. I do, however, recommend finding some time during the week in which you can take your time with your mindfulness practice. This way you can focus on your goals and get maximum impact from your mindfulness practice.
- Get calm and relaxed for your mindfulness practice. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. Even if you are in the middle of a busy day, taking a moment to take a few deep breaths and visualize your success can work wonders.
- Find a place that is comfortable, quiet, and free from distractions. Even taking as little as 5 minutes of quiet time can be helpful.
- Schedule mindfulness into your life. Just as you would make time for any other meeting or appointment, you can make time to be mindful. Mindfulness, regardless of your practice, is important not only with achieving goals. These practices also improve your overall sense of wellbeing and calm in your life.
6 Easy Do’s and Don’ts for Resolutions that Last!
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterCreate Your Own Relaxing Personal Oasis: Surround Yourself with Beauty, Comfort, & Inspiration
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterGive Yourself the Gift of Self-Care: Easy Tips that Don’t Take a lot of Time & Money
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterReduce Holiday Stress: Use Visualization to take a Mini-Vacation to your Happy Place
/in Joyous Life /by Joy Carter5 Easy Ways to Manage Stress Over the Holidays
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterFive Mindfulness Techniques for Lasting Resolutions
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterIt’s the beginning of the year and we have made our new year’s resolutions. We are excited and motivated to make positive changes in our lives. It might be hard to believe now, but in a few weeks, you might not be feeling so excited about your resolution goals. Our initial enthusiasm starts to disappear and it is difficult to stay motivated. What was new and exciting is now a boring grind and a hassle. How can we keep that enthusiasm and motivation for weeks, months, and even years? By using mindfulness techniques to harness the power of our minds to reach our resolution goals. You might be wondering what mindfulness is and what it has to do with resolutions. Our minds are very powerful. Everything that exists and has been accomplished was once an idea that came from someone’s mind. We can use this power to help us reach our resolution goals and maintain them over time.
Harness the power of your mind by using mindfulness practices.
Mindfulness is calming the mind by focusing on the present moment. During mindfulness practice, you are using the power of your mind to set your resolution goals into motion and make them a reality. Successful athletes, performers, and business people, such as Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, and Olympian Kerri Walsh Jennings all attribute mindfulness techniques to their success. If it worked for them, it will certainly work for you! Some mindfulness techniques, listed below with brief explanations, include:
Use mindfulness techniques to train your mind to focus on opportunities for success in reaching your resolution goal.
Here are a few tips on how to use these mindfulness techniques in your daily life:
Resolution Resources: Find Support for Success
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterTo Resolve or Not to Resolve? That is the Question. Use these Resolution Resources to Help you Decide.
With the new year quickly approaching, many of us are starting to think about how we would like to improve our lives in the coming year. Some people make resolutions, others set intentions for the upcoming year. Then there are those who have resolved to never make another resolution again. We stress ourselves out trying to decide what we want to change, how we want to change, or even if we want to change. We remember our past failures and wonder if it is worth it. So we ditch the whole idea about making a resolution, intention, or anything even close. Regardless of what has happened in previous years, you can avoid the pitfalls of the past. How?
Make sure you have the resolution resources and support you need to set you up for success.
Ask yourself these questions:
By asking yourself these three questions, you can make sure you have everything you need to create a lasting resolution or intention for the new year, or any time you want to make positive changes in your life.
Worry-free Resolution Goal Setting Do’s & Don’ts
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterResolution Worries
The holidays are in full swing! While we are making our holiday lists and checking them twice, we may also be making a list of what we want to change about ourselves for the new year. Maybe we want to lose weight, get organized, or get on a budget. You have tried before, though were not successful, which makes you wonder if you should try again this year. Why not avoid the embarrassment and disappointment of not reaching your goals once again? You are not alone. According to Statistic Brain, more than half of the people who make resolutions do not keep them past six months. Why? Because of a failure to set realistic resolution goals that prepare them for success.
Don’t be a statistic! Follow these easy Do’s and Don’ts for worry-free resolution goal setting!
A resolution is really a goal with a fancy name. So, techniques used for setting lasting goals apply to resolutions, too. Check out these Do’s and Don’ts for setting habit change resolution goals that will stand the test of time.
These easy to follow do’s and don’ts will have you on your way to making resolutions that will last for years to come!
Resolution Woes: Letting Go of Old Habits
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterResolution Woes
It is that time of year. After all the partying and celebrations, we take an inventory of our lives and think about making resolutions. During this reflection, you realize you have an unhealthy habit in your life that you want to change. Perhaps you want to lose some weight, save more money, or get organized. You know this change would make your life better, though you feel overwhelmed and not sure where to start. Maybe you have even tried to change before, though found yourself failing miserably, getting overwhelmed, and finally giving up.
Fear not, my friend! There is a remedy for your resolution woes! For your resolution habit change plan to work, we must first identify the reasons why you have held on to your old habit.
Here are some common reasons why we hold on to old habits:
By addressing these issues, you can finally free yourself of ties to your old habits, keep your resolution, and enjoy lasting positive habit change.
Tips for Making New Year’s Resolutions that Last
/in Joyous Life /by Joy CarterMaking Resolutions that Last!
The New Year is approaching and filled with hope for new beginnings. We start off the year with great intentions and make resolutions to improve our lives. We purchase a gym membership, join a diet plan, or sign up for a class. Then the enthusiasm starts to fade. The resolution that seemed so great a few weeks ago is not fun. We are lucky if we even remember what our resolutions were by February. According to, while 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, only 8% achieve them. Why is this? Are resolutions inherently destined to fail?
New Year’s resolutions don’t work because of how they are made and kept. Resolutions are really goals and intentions for how we want to change to improve our lives. New Year’s Day is not the only time we have a new beginning. Each day is a new start and an opportunity to revisit our resolutions. I made a resolution to avoid fast food and have kept it for years. Here are my tips on how to make New Year’s resolutions that last.
These tips will help you achieve your wonderful resolutions, goals, and intentions for the New Year, or any other time you want to make positive changes in your life. If you would like personalized assistance with reaching your goals, contact me to schedule a session. Happy New Year!