Individual Therapy for Stressed-Out, Overachieving

Most of my clients are at a crossroads in their lives. Life did not unfold as they had hoped, and they are not feeling fulfilled in their lives. They know that they want a change but aren’t sure what to do or where to start looking.

Life is not the exciting adventure they had hoped it would be when they started on their career path. They feel disillusioned with the way they thought life would be and the harsh realities of being a woman in spaces that are not supportive and often challenge their well-being. Feelings of inadequacy and harsh self-judgment keep them awake at night as they rehash events of the day and worry about what may happen tomorrow. Self-doubt creeps into their thoughts and they wonder if they deserve the accomplishments they have achieved. Their dedication to their goals has helped them achieve many accomplishments, though this dedication has not always been helpful when it comes to their personal life and emotional well-being. In fact, they have pushed through many difficult situations without giving themselves the chance to acknowledge, recognize, validate, and feel their feelings in a safe and healthy way. These unacknowledged feelings make it difficult to cope with stressors in everyday life.

Struggling to Find Peace

My goal for my clients is to celebrate their tenacity, success, and survival skills in a difficult world while exploring new possibilities and opportunities to claim peace and happiness. Being happy and at peace in a world that often undermines our well-being is the ultimate act of self-care and is revolutionary. My approach to therapy is one that recognizes the impact that spoken and unspoken societal messages and systems have on our mental health as women and BIPOC individuals.

Therapy might be for you if you:

  • Have racing thoughts & worries that keep you awake at night
  • Fear of making mistakes and perfectionism that make it difficult to take risks and try new things
  • Have harsh self-talk and “imposter syndrome”
  • Are exhausted from taking on additional work and difficult assignments to prove your worth
  • Are ready to explore possibilities

As your therapist, I promise to:

  • Provide a safe space to feel and express your emotions without judgment
  • Honor, acknowledge, and recognize your feelings about your life experiences
  • Provide an objective perspective so you can use your strengths and inner knowing to gain insight into your experiences and challenge perspectives that do not serve you
  • Respect the fact that BIPOC women face unique challenges when seeking out mental health services

Ready to Start the Journey? Here’s What the Process Looks Like

First, we will meet for a complimentary 15-minute telehealth (video call) consultation. This session is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, determine your needs, and discuss your expectations for therapy. If you decide to start therapy, you can schedule your initial session (called an intake) at the end of the consultation call, or schedule after the call via the secured client portal. After you schedule your intake appointment, I will send you new client paperwork via the secured client portal for you to complete before your appointment.

During your first session, we’ll review your paperwork, discuss guidelines around confidentiality, telehealth, etc.  We will also talk about your needs, how I can help, and set your goals for therapy. All sessions will be 45-55 minutes. I recommend in the beginning we meet once a week for the first 3-4 weeks to keep up the momentum we see in session. Payment is collected at the end of the session or after the session using the credit card on file. What is discussed in therapy is confidential with a few exceptions as outlined by law.

What is Therapy with Joy Carter, LCSW like?

I believe that you are the expert in your own life, so you guide the conversation. While we will have goals to keep us on track, the topic of conversation may vary from session to session. One day you may talk about a tough work situation, another day you might talk about family or relationship struggles, and yet another day you may talk about big things you didn’t think you were ready to talk about. Therapy is not about giving you advice or telling you what to do. It’s about guiding you to come to your own conclusions so that you can try what you feel will work for you. As you explore new ways of navigating the world, there is some trial and error. I am here to support your journey of discovery and well-being.

I will encourage you to create safe mental and physical spaces so that you feel safe to “feel your feelings” in a healthy way and are better able to cope with challenges you encounter in the world. My ultimate goal is for women and BIPOC individuals to claim their peace and happiness to create lives that nurture and support their well-being, regardless of what is happening in the world.

***Joy Carter, LCSW is now accepting new clients!***

Use the button below to schedule a 15 minute video call consultation. If you are a current client, you can use the button below to make appointments and access the client portal.

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